Fret Look Book
Dating back thousands of years, Fret work has been one of the most widely spread, simplest and most natural decorative art forms. It was a favorite used for ceiling art in the tombs of Egypt during the 4th dynasty and later was combined with rosettes, scarabs, and lotus into patterns representing great richness.
Like David Hicks, the debonair British designer, who embodied luxury and glamour, whose name became synonymous with fret designs in the 1960's and 1970's; our own archival designs have been updated to reflect this elegant and glitzy design era. It goes to show you good design really is timeless.



Royal Thai design no. NX-ZX01061-2

Royal Thai design no. NX-BX02677-20

Royal Thai design no. NX-GX09244-3

Royal Thai design no. NX-NH023467-2